Rajasaurus:The Indian Dinosaur
Rajasaurus |
Rajasaurus (Raja ', which means "king" (derived from
Sanskrit, "king of lizards") is a species of carnivore abelisaurian
theropid dinosaur with an unusual head crest. Between 1982 and 1984, Suresh
Shrivastav of Indian Geological Survey (GSI) had discovered fossil bone. Digging from the river Narmada in Raholi in the Mahasagar district of Gujarat,
discovered on August 13, 2003, American and Indian sciences By duties went
declared as a new species of dinosaur
The University of Chicago's Paleolanist Paul Sereno, Jeff
Wilson of the University of Michigan, and Srivastava worked together as an
Indo-American group to study the fossils of the Narmada River. Fossils
represented partial skeletons of new species of Rajasaurus Narmadensis, which
means "the kingdom from Narmada valley lizard." Bones of fossil
fossils of Rajsauras have also been found in the upper area of Narmada in
Jabalpur in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
Rajsaurus was an Abiliceroid, a member of a group of
tropical hunters, who lived only on the lands, which were part of the Gondwana,
like the most populated country like Africa, India, Madagascar and South
America. Rajasaurus meets Madagascar from a contemporary oblique near
Majugasaurus, an island which was separated from the Indian landland
approximately 20 million years ago. This was found in the form of a abelisaurid
through a phylogenetic analysis of structural characteristics, and its nasal
bone was described as a carnotaurine abelisaurid (cabinotransis including
suburban) due to its occupation of the configuration and development
("excrescence") frontal Rajasauras on bone form a single nose-frontal
horn with its other breeds, its propratemporal fenestrae (long holes in the
upper rear of the scalp), and the form of Iliya (hip theory of bones) Land,
which offers a transverse ridge. Separate the Brevis shelf from the hip joint.
Rajasauras was identified with partial skeleton which
included part of the scalp (brain case), spinal cord, hip bone, hind legs and
parts of the tail. This sample, GSI 21141 / 1-33 genes and species type acts as
sample. In 2010, Gregory S. Paul estimated its body length in eleven meters,
its weight was four tons. In 2016, its length was approximately 6.6 meters
(21.7 feet), which was in wide-ranging analysis of the size of the Abellisur.
Preserved by the scalp, it shows that it was a specific low round horn, made up
of the result from the bones of the nose and frontal.
Narmada river in central India, after the journey of 1,512
km (815.2 miles) in a valley valley and finally in the Arabian Sea, its valley
originates from the eastern drains of the west. Since the late 19th century,
information about dinosaur bones has been reported from the Narmada Valley,
some of which are related to titansaurus indusus.
The history of fossils called Rajasaurus begins in 1981.
When GN Dwivedi and DM Mohawi were on the geological, mapping mission of the
Geological Survey of India, the workers of ACC cement in Raholi in Gujarat
showed them like a smooth ball, limestone structures from the mine became these
"balls" dinosaurian eggs geologists Also found that fossil-egg
limestone bed is a layer of thick sandstone and abundant dyes Nasserian fossils
were mixed with bones.
During the years of 1982-84, GSI geologist Suresh Shrivastav
of Paleontology division of Western Region of GSI gathered a large number of
bone fossil pieces from Riceoli, and also mapped the area properly. These
fossils were taken to Palaeontology Division in Jaipur to identify. Under the
supervision of SC Pant, UB Mathur and Suresh Srivastava gave birth to the
publication of many research to clean many skeletal parts (brain, dorsal and
convex vertebrae, secretion, thigh bone, upper arm, shin bones and others).
Papers In 1994-9, a special deterioration in excessive activity till the MoU
signed with the University of Punjab was signed.
In 2001, American scientists continued research on fossils
sponsored by the American Science Institute, New Delhi and the National
Geographic Society, United States, America, Paul Sereno and Jeff Wilson began
the reconstruction of the collections in 1983 and 1984. Dinosaur bones are
gathered in Following a detailed study of maps prepared by Shrivastav, the team
of scientists was able to rebuild partial skulls, left and right hip bones and
a serum. They understood a part of a skull and a horn as the dinosaurs found in
Madagascar. Fossils of Rajsauras were also found near Jabalpur in Madhya
Pradesh. In all, the collected fossils include partial scalp, limb bones, hip
bones, and vertebrae.
Although 2003 was formally described in Rajasaurus, the
fossils described in 1923 could be related to this species. Charles Alfred
Mattel has described lemateosaurus inguors in that year, in which there are
samples, including ileums found in Bal Simla, a sarum, shin bone, and shield
cloth. Later Lametasaurus was shown as a fantasy, and Wilson et al suggested
that Elim and Serram (now lost) were examples of similar famous monarchs.
There may be additional information about the development
relations of abelisaurs from the discovery of the Rajasaurus, because there
were mainly different bones in India's previously mentioned specimens. At a
press conference in 2003 on the discovery of RajaSaurus, Serrano said:
The research that will be done to search the
world before, it was important because it will help in connecting the current
knowledge of dinosaur related to the family of the Abilisor predators and
adding a new angle to the dinosaur in the Indian subcontinent.
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